Clorex brand
Showing all 10 results
Clorex dishwasher lemon 900ml
RM3.00 -
Clorex floor cleaner Flora 1L
RM4.00 -
Clorex hand soap apple 500ml
RM3.00 -
Clorex hand soap lemon 500ml
RM3.00 -
Clorex hand soap strawberry 500ml
RM3.00 -
Clorex pencuci lantai 1L
RM4.00 -
Clorox kill 99.9%of viruses & bacteria 2L
RM8.50 -
Clorox kill 99.9% of viruses & bacteria lemon 2L
RM8.50 -
Clorox kills 99.9% of viruses & bacteria 1lit
RM4.80 -
Clorox kills 99.9% of viruses & bacteria lemon 1lit